
To the children who are gone

This series of photographs represents the death of the child that we have all been. Although we fight to preserve our innocence and the memories of our childhood, these children end up disappearing to become adults. The way we saw the world, the way we felt things, ends up buried and forgotten somewhere.

Good and bad, heroes and villains, we have all been buried kids.

I did this project one spring afternoon in my yard. I left everything ready and waited for the right moment. When my daughter Isis got grumpy at the end of the day, I put her in the hole, with a plastic to protect her, and quickly shot several dozen photos. Then she went straight to have a hot bath, a nice dinner, and a good sleep. Then I went back to plug the hole and took some last photos of the shovel and the dirt. The rest is all Photoshop to bury my daughter alive. Quite an unpleasant job.